Strengthening the integration of the European landscape of RIs and TIs
About Us
The RITIFI project, composed of RI and TI stakeholders from 10 European countries, aims to improve the integration and structure of the European R&I landscape by developing a functional framework and providing guidelines for the integration of Research Infrastructures (RIs) and Technology Infrastructures (TIs).
About Us
The RITIFI project, composed of RI and TI stakeholders from 19 European countries, aims to improve the integration and structure of the European R&I landscape by developing a functional framework and providing guidelines for the integration of Research Infrastructures (RIs) and Technology Infrastructures (TIs).
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About Research Infrastructures (RIs) and Technology Infrastructures (TIs)

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RIs and TIs are both essential and complementary elements for functional and efficient R&I ecosystems in Europe. They play a crucial role in strengthening European R&I capacities.
Exploratory research
Knowledge-based innovative solution
New products, processes and services
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Complementary elements
for functional and efficient
R&I ecosystems in Europe

We believe in harnessing science for human good, so we work day and night, around the world, to deliver answers for health questions. That means everything from advancing diagnostic testing, to helping launch new drugs, to offering new perspectives through data, all drawing from a deep well of scientific expertise.
Case Studies
We have developed some of the world's most advanced testing capabilities to help improve health and lives.
Work Deliverables
With the support of our diagnostics capabilities to deliver drug trials that are both reliable and rigorous,

See Our Projects Output

Methodology & Approach

In order to achieve the desired objectives and output, the RITIFI methodological approach consists o...

Case Studies

Studies on specific RI and TI representative cases in selected areas are produced that feed into the...

Project Deliverables

The deliverables of RITIFI consist of a number of reports, divided into each of the work packages, w...
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News, Events & Updates

The circular economy addresses global challenges by emphasising resource efficiency, environmental protection and economic opportunity. Therefore, it...
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In the modern world, having a strong microelectronics and semiconductor industry is critical for technological resilience. A robust microelectronics a...
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This study explores the collaboration between Research Infrastructures (RIs) and Technology Infrastructures (TIs) in developing superconducting magnet...
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